Open Data, Volunteered Geographic Information and Citizen Observatories

Zde je link nasdílené prostředí kde se vytváří týmy a jsou zde sdílené základní informace o jejich projektech.

Pracovní prostor obsahuje odkaz na seznam všech registrovaných účastníků. Takže pokud hledáte spolupracovníky, neváhejte kontaktovat kteréhokoli z nich. Jakmile máte vytvořený svůj tým a daný nápad na projekt, zaregistrujte ho v pracovním prostoru a aktualizujte informace.

Příklad projektu:
SKIN projekt se chystá podílet na projektu
2.7 TEAM Find your farm producer

TEAM LEADER: Sarka Horakova

TEAM MEMBERS: Ota Cerba, Karel Charvat, Jan Shanel, Simon Leitgeb, Raitis Berzins, Radana Saskova,

PROJECT IDEA: The goal of solution is to use SPOI database for promoting selling from the farm. The goal is to select relevant data in SPOI database and add also additional information from other available databases of primary producers offering their product from the farm.
There are expect two different Apps.
1. Find your producer
2. Publish my information

Registrace na INSPIRE Hack 2017 spuštěna!!! Pro registraci použijte následující formulář a po vyplnění obdržíte na mail další informace:
[iframe src="" width="100%" height="1000"]

Good luck with your project and see you at the INSPIRE Conference 2017
For any queries, please contact Karel Charvat and Tomas Mildorf
The INSPIRE Hack Organisational Team
Updates and general information on the hackathon can be found at:

Open Data, Volunteered Geographic Information and Citizen Observatories

Here is the link to the shared workspace where teams are created and basic information on their projects is shared.

The workspace includes a link to the list of all registered participants. So if you are looking for a team-mate, please feel free to contact any of them. As soon as you have your team and project idea fixed, please register it in the workspace and keep the information up-to-date.

Project example:
SKIN project is going to join the project
2.7 TEAM Find your farm producer

TEAM LEADER: Sarka Horakova

TEAM MEMBERS: Ota Cerba, Karel Charvat, Jan Shanel, Simon Leitgeb, Raitis Berzins, Radana Saskova,

PROJECT IDEA: The goal of solution is to use SPOI database for promoting selling from the farm. The goal is to select relevant data in SPOI database and add also additional information from other available databases of primary producers offering their product from the farm.
There are expect two different Apps.
1. Find your producer
2. Publish my information

The registration for the INSPIRE Hack 2017 has been started!!! For registration, please use the online form, then you will get and email with other instructions:
[iframe src="" width="100%" height="1000"]

Good luck with your project and see you at the INSPIRE Conference 2017
For any queries, please contact Karel Charvat and Tomas Mildorf
The INSPIRE Hack Organisational Team
Updates and general information on the hackathon can be found at: