9. října 2020 13:21
Upcoming webinar on Rural Attractiveness Visualisation
Are you still thinking about registration for the challenge #4? Do you need more information about the main goals and general understanding of rural attractiveness? You will learn this and much more from the COVID-19 INSPIRE Hackathon mentors during the webinar dedicated to challenge #4 of COVID 19 INSPIRE Hackathon that is scheduled on 12th October.
Agenda of the webinar:
- Introduction to the challenge #4 → Goals, tasks, working groups
- About Polirural project: Overview over the approach and aims of the project & presentation of the 12 pilot regions
- Rural Attractiveness: General understanding of rural attractiveness / Principles of searching of homogeneous regions (rural attractiveness index, clustering)
- The web map application: Features and functionalities / Brief technical details / Input data
- Ideas for potential improvements of the map application
You will hear from: