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24. března 2015 13:07

<!--:en-->Press Release FIWARE Lab<!--:--><!--:cs-->Press Release FIWARE Lab<!--:-->

Výsledky práce provedené v FIWARE v WIRELESSINFO FIWARE - referenční laboratoří, budou prezentovány 25.3.2015 v Bruselu v rámci druhého dne konference .NET futures 2015 .

Results of the recent work done in FIWARE in WirelessInfo FIWARE Reference lab will be presented in Brussels within the second day of NET FUTURES 2015 Conference. Karel Charvat will give the presentation within the block "Start and grow your business with FIWARE" in the the "Third stop" statrting at 14:25.

Imatop Pomodore project will be presented within the SME's Kick Off Meeting in the Smart Agri Food section of the Net Futures Conference in Brussels on Wednesday 25 March within the block that starts in 9:30.

SmartHoney project will be presented within the SME's Kick Off Meeting in the Smart Agri Food section of the Net Futures Conference in Brussels on Wednesday 25 March within the block that starts in 9:30.

InFoLog - new product that participates in the Net Futures 2015 FIWARE Challenge will be presented within the Conference on March, 25th, in the block starting at 9:00.
download: WirelessInfo_FIWARE_Reference_Lab_23_3