10. července 2017 18:04
<!--:cs-->INSPIRE Hack 2017<!--:--><!--:en-->INSPIRE Hack 2017<!--:-->
INSPIRE Hack 2017
Open Data, Volunteered Geographic Information and Citizen Observatories
Jedná se o druhý ročník INSPIRE Hack, tj. hackathonu, který je součástí konference INSPIRE 2017. Tentokrát bude hackathon zahájen počátkem července 2017, kdy budou vytvořeny hackathon týmy, které začnou pracovat na svých projektech již před konferencí INSPIRE. Konference INSPIRE bude sloužit jako platforma pro prezentaci výsledků hackathonu. Všechny týmy hackathonu budou prezentovat své projekty během specializovaného workshopu na konferenci INSPIRE. Workshop včetně slavnostního vyhlášení soutěže se uskuteční 4. nebo 5. září 2017 v německém městě Kehl..
INSPIRE Hack podporuje kreativitu, inovaci, technické schopnosti a sdílení znalostí. INSPIRE Hack se zaměřuje na metody, v nichž jsou občané schopni přispívat k různým otázkám životního prostředí a společnosti prostřednictvím chytrých telefonů a dalších senzorů..
7. července 2017 Zahájení INSPIRE Hack II - zahájení registrace
7. července - 31. srpna 2017 - Budování týmů a práce na hackathon projektech
1. září 2017 - Doručení prezentací pro workshop konference INSPIRE
4. nebo 5. září 2017 - 3. hodinový workshop pro předvedení výsledků hackathonů a slavnostního udělování cen, velmi doporučujeme účast všech týmů
S případnými dotazy, prosím, kontaktujte Karla Charváta na: charvat (at) ccss.cz
Registrace pro INSPIRE Hack 2017 byla spuštěna!!! Pro registraci prosím použijte následují formulář:
[iframe src="https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScgi72q_3lbBPkNyCSSmrZSSfM_l9OxqY7_PE_M6U0_OwcFzw/viewform" width="100%" height="1000"]
Plan4all – is a non-profit association sustaining and further enhancing the results of multiple research and innovation projects. It aggregates large open datasets related to planning activities in different specialisms areas transport, spatial and city planning, environment and tourism. Plan4all makes sure that open data are easily accessible for reuse, data are maintained and their quality is improved.
DataBio – The data intensive target sector selected for the DataBio project is the Data-Driven Bioeconomy, focusing in production of best possible raw materials from agriculture, forestry and fishery/aquaculture for the bioeconomy industry to produce food, energy and biomaterials taking into account also various responsibility and sustainability issues.
NextGEOSS project – will implement a federated data hub for access and exploitation of Earth Observation data, including user-friendly tools for data mining, discovery, access and exploitation.
Short Food Supply Chains Knowledge and Innovation Network - SKIN – is an ambitious initiative of 20 partners in 14 countries in the area of Short Food Supply Chains (SFSCs). It intends to systematise and bring knowledge to practitioners, promote collaboration within a demand-driven innovation logic and provide inputs to policymaking through links to the EIP-AGRI.
INSPIRE Hack 2017
Open Data, Volunteered Geographic Information and Citizen Observatories
This is the second edition of the INSPIRE Hack, i.e. a hackathon that is part of the INSPIRE Conference 2017. This time, the hackathon will start early in July 2017 when hackathon teams will be created and will start working on their projects before the INSPIRE Conference. The INSPIRE Conference will serve as a platform for presenting the hackathon results. All the hackathon teams will present their projects during a dedicated workshop at the INSPIRE Conference. The workshop including the award ceremony will take place either on 4th or 5th September 2017 in Kehl, Germany.
The INSPIRE Hack supports creativity, innovation, technical capabilities and knowledge sharing. The INSPIRE Hack focuses on methods where citizens are able to contribute to different environmental and societal issues through smart phones and other sensors.
7th July 2017 Start of the INSPIRE Hack II – start of the registration
7th July – 31st August 2017 - Building teams and working on hackathon projects
1st September 2017 - Delivery of the presentations for the INSPIRE Conference workshop
4th or 5th September 2017 - 3 hour workshop for presenting hackathon results and award ceremony, participation of all teams is strongly encouraged
For any inquiries please contact Karel Charvat at: charvat (at) ccss.cz
The registration for the INSPIRE Hack 2017 has been started!!! For registration, please use the online form:
[iframe src="https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScgi72q_3lbBPkNyCSSmrZSSfM_l9OxqY7_PE_M6U0_OwcFzw/viewform" width="100%" height="1000"]
Plan4all – is a non-profit association sustaining and further enhancing the results of multiple research and innovation projects. It aggregates large open datasets related to planning activities in different specialisms areas transport, spatial and city planning, environment and tourism. Plan4all makes sure that open data are easily accessible for reuse, data are maintained and their quality is improved.
DataBio – The data intensive target sector selected for the DataBio project is the Data-Driven Bioeconomy, focusing in production of best possible raw materials from agriculture, forestry and fishery/aquaculture for the bioeconomy industry to produce food, energy and biomaterials taking into account also various responsibility and sustainability issues.
NextGEOSS project – will implement a federated data hub for access and exploitation of Earth Observation data, including user-friendly tools for data mining, discovery, access and exploitation.
Short Food Supply Chains Knowledge and Innovation Network - SKIN – is an ambitious initiative of 20 partners in 14 countries in the area of Short Food Supply Chains (SFSCs). It intends to systematise and bring knowledge to practitioners, promote collaboration within a demand-driven innovation logic and provide inputs to policymaking through links to the EIP-AGRI.