19. července 2018 10:22
EU survey - Climate-relevant Innovation through Research in Agriculture – A survey of European Research capacities
If your institution is in Europe and conducts climate-relevant agricultural research, you may be interested in having it featured in a knowledge base of European institutional capacities and activities in climate-relevant agricultural research and innovation, which the European Union (EU) initiative called DeSIRA is building.
The EU has been supporting agricultural research and innovation at national, regional and global levels, and is now willing to step up its support in this domain, with particular reference to climate change action, through the DeSIRA (Development-Smart Innovation through Research in Agriculture) initiative.
One element required in framing future support is to document and mobilize the European research base in support of the management of climate change implications in agriculture - mitigation of, and adaptation to, the impact of climate change in agricultural systems in developing countries.
The objective of this survey is to compile a knowledge base of European institutional capacities and activities in climate-relevant agricultural research and innovation (including livestock and fisheries) that can hence be efficiently mobilized in subsequent support of the needs of developing countries - outlining "who is doing what, where and with whom".
The survey is commissioned by the EU through the DeSIRA project and conducted by the Global Forum on Agricultural Research and Innovation (GFAR).
Examples of climate change issues related to agriculture are adaptation and mitigation, including water management, greenhouse gas emissions, carbon capture, cropping systems that reduce climate change pressures, big data & climate change and other issues related to climate change and its impacts.
The survey can be filled out at the level of the Institution or at the level of the Department that is conducting such research. The invitation is addressed to directors, managers and administrative staff who have good knowledge of the research activities of their institutions / department as well as of data such as number of researchers, investment in a specific area of research etc.
The survey will be used to build a European database, which will be leveraged in the future for decision making by EU institutions, e.g. for funding or project calls. We hope all European research institutions will take up this opportunity for highlighting their climate-relevant research.
You can complete the survey here:
Thank you,
the Secretariat of the Global Forum on Agricultural Research and Innovation (GFAR)
on behalf of the DeSIRA project of the European Union