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21. září 2020 22:01


The COVID 19 INSPIRE Hackathon webinar series is starting this Friday 25th September! The webinar series will be kicked off with the webinar called Blockchain technology to ensure food security in Africa and you are cordially invited.

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Food security is vital in the COVID-19 pandemic era and post COVID-19 as Africa still struggles to achieve food security. In achieving food security, technology becomes important so as to ensure that the farmers get their due benefit. Blockchain technology will be simplified so as to ensure that all farmers and other stakeholders benefit from their produce.

Africa has 65% of the world’s remaining uncultivated arable land, an abundance of freshwater and about 300 days of sunshine each year. More than 60% of Africa’s working population is engaged in agriculture, and the soil across most of the continent is rich and fertile. We are losing precious foreign exchange by continuing to pay for food to be imported, so we must quickly eliminate the negative balance, and start to sow, grow, process, consume, and ultimately to export the food ourselves. Modern agriculture, driven by technologies such as blockchain technology can track the provenance of food and thus helps create trustworthy food supply chains and build trust between producers and consumers. As a trusted way of storing data, it facilitates the use of data-driven technologies to make farming smarter. In addition, jointly used with smart contracts, it allows timely payments between stakeholders that can be triggered by data changes appearing in the blockchain This challenge examines the applications of blockchain technology in food supply chains, agricultural insurance, smart farming, transactions of agricultural products for both theoretical and practical perspectives. The challenges also will discuss the recording transactions made by smallholder farmers and creating the ecosystem for utilizing the blockchain technology in the food and agriculture sector.

The webinar’s agenda:

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Stay tuned! Another upcoming webinar “Introduction into challenge #4 Rural Attractiveness Visualization” is scheduled on 29th September at 10:30 AM CET.